Creative Work

Susannah has published extensively as a writer of creative nonfiction, with essays in American Literary Review, The Writer’s Chronicle, Epiphany, Ninth Letter, Michigan Quarterly Review, and elsewhere. She was the winner of the 2014 South Loop National Essay Prize and a finalist for the 2010 William Allen nonfiction prize, the Epiphany chapbook contest in 2015, and the 2019 Cagibi essay prize and River Teeth nonfiction prize. Her work received special mention from Best American Essays in 2010 and was named in the Pushcart Prize Anthology 2018. She appeared in Best New Poets in 2016 and was the featured prose author at Poetry Daily in that same year. A short memoir titled “Match Dot Comedy” was selected as a Kindle Single in 2013. Her current project, a collection of personal essays called "Love Affair in the Garden of Milton: A Memoir," is forthcoming from LSU Press. She has been a teaching fellow at the Chautauqua Institution for the past three summers and a writer-in-residence at Convivio Artists and Writers Conference in Postignano, Italy, since 2015.

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